How to convert SSG Money Smile Cash

Let’s learn how to convert SSG Money to G Market Smile Cash.

SSG often pays event money. Because the period of use is very short, I know that there are many people who cannot use it within the period.

In that case, you can switch to G Market Smile Pay. The expiration date has been extended to 5 years, and the products that can be purchased have become more diverse, making it very useful.

How to convert Ssuk Money to Smile Cash, which is scheduled to expire

1. First, check the amount of money scheduled for expiration at SSG.COM.

2. Then, access Gmarket and go to ‘My Page > Smile Cash’.

3. Select ‘Convert’ in My Smile Cash.

4. Then, a list of third-party points that can be used to call GMarket Smile Pay will appear, as shown in the picture below.

'G Market Smile Point, SSG MONEY, cultural gift certificate, Culture Cash, My Shinhan Point, KB Point Lee, L.POINT, Hana Money, Payco, OK Cashbag, Hyundai Blue Members, NH Point, You can convert points from a variety of sites such as ‘Won Honey Money’ and ‘Kia Members’ to G Market Smile Pay.

Today, I am using SSG Money as an example because there is money scheduled to expire. Points from other sites can also be imported in the same way and used at Gmarket and Auction.

5. If you select 'SSG MONEY' in 'Convert individual points', the points you have will be viewed. Enter the points you want to convert as a number and select 'Convert to Smile Cash'.

(If you want to convert all points at once, go to ‘Points available for bulk conversion > Convert points’.)

6. Just enter your 6-digit password and the conversion will be completed immediately.

Even if SSG money was scheduled to expire on the same day, if converted to Smile Cash, the validity period will be extended to 5 years.

However, please note that cancellation is not possible upon conversion, and cash withdrawal is also not possible.

Today, we learned how to convert Smile Money, which was scheduled to expire, into Smile Cash that can be used at G Market or Auction.

It would be helpful to note that not only cash money but also points and mileage from various sites can be called in the same way. thank you

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